Some people say that if hearing loss is not treated, the consequences will be serious. Is this true?

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  • Source:Costco Hearing Aids
Nowadays, the elderly have a very good awareness of health care. Once hearing loss occurs, most elderly people know how to seek medical treatment, check-ups, audiometric tests, and choose hearing aids. To some extent, hearing loss in the elderly is actually closer to Alzheimer's disease.

Some people say that if hearing loss is not treated, the consequences will be serious. Is this true?

Hearing loss must be intervened in time. Once hearing loss is discovered, the first thing to do is to go to the hospital for medical treatment. Identify the cause of hearing loss and treat it symptomatically. Because during the golden treatment period, sudden deafness has a chance to be cured.

If you are diagnosed with permanent hearing loss, you must also intervene promptly by wearing hearing aids. This is because if hearing loss remains, it will cause many harms.
1. Hearing loss will accelerate
2. Auditory function will deteriorate, and people’s response will slow down
3. If you cannot hear sounds for a long time, the speech recognition rate will decrease, resulting in incomprehension What others say
4. Affects mood, unwillingness to communicate with others, affects physical and mental health, and decreases quality of life

The relationship between deafness and Alzheimer’s disease Alzheimer’s disease refers to the disease among the elderly A type of disease characterized by decreased cognitive function, which can manifest as memory decline, slowed thinking, and possibly changes in personality and behavior. The onset is often insidious and develops progressively. Alzheimer's disease has a greater impact on patients' quality of life. Patients in the later stages of the disease are often unable to take care of themselves, causing a heavy disease burden on families and society.

The World Health Organization (WHO) proposes eight indicators for judging the mental health of the elderly, namely, a sense of security, stability, adaptability, autonomy, happiness, identity, trust, and comfort. A truly healthy elderly person should have all eight senses. However, hearing impairment will have a strong impact on the "eight senses" of the elderly. Due to difficulties in hearing and communication, the elderly are unwilling to communicate with the outside world. Over time, they develop introversion, loneliness, aloofness, lack of self-confidence, anxiety, insomnia, depression, self-blame, a sense of oppression, fatigue, anger, escapism, Psychological problems such as lack of security.

How to tell if you are deaf? The following 5 questions determine whether there is a risk of presbycusis:
1. Playing loudly while watching TV;
2. Speaking loudly;
3. Speech needs to be repeated several times ;
4. Do you always like to interrupt;
5. Do you feel that your reaction is slowed down?

I can't hear the mistakes, I can't hear it when I can't hear it, I can't stand it when they are in a whisper.

Once the ears experience moderate hearing loss, it is necessary to wear hearing aids or carry out other interventions. Patients can wear and adjust hearing aids through professional institutions, and understand the maintenance requirements. Through this kind of hearing correction, the time of hearing loss can be effectively delayed.