My hearing deteriorates at a young age, what should I do?

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  • Source:Costco Hearing Aids
“Being deaf at a young age” is not a joke. According to data released by the World Health Organization this year, 432 million adults and 34 million children around the world are currently hearing-impaired. About 50% of young people aged 12 to 35 (equivalent to 1.1 billion) are often exposed to entertainment noise environments and are at risk of hearing damage.

My hearing is not good at a young age. What should I do?

There are many reasons for poor hearing, including noise, disease, drugs, stress, and organic diseases. If you find hearing loss, you must seek medical advice promptly and go to the hospital to have your hearing checked to rule out organic lesions. For some cases of sudden deafness, hearing may improve after systematic treatment. If it is confirmed that the hearing cannot be improved, you need to consider using hearing aids to improve the hearing condition

For us, if there is some hearing loss, we can determine the degree of hearing loss according to the degree of hearing loss. Let’s observe whether the degree of hearing loss is obvious. At this time, we need to seek help from a doctor in time, listen to the doctor’s advice, and then carry out symptomatic treatment. Under normal circumstances, doctors will inject us with some solutions to deliver nutrients, which can effectively alleviate the problem of our hearing loss. Of course, there are also some oral drugs that need to be taken to consolidate our treatment. If the hearing loss is very obvious in the course of our lives, it may be severe deafness. At this time, we need to actively carry out treatment, otherwise the ears will lose the sound of hearing things because of untimely treatment.

The so-called hearing damage means that the ears are exposed to excessively loud sounds for an extended period of time, which in turn leads to hearing loss. The ear is divided into the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. Among them, the eardrum, ossicles and cochlea are most closely related to hearing. Sound travels through the external auditory canal to the eardrum, causing vibrations that are transmitted through the ossicles to the fluid-filled cochlea. Hair cells in the cochlea convert vibrations into electrical signals, and nerve fibers conduct them to the brain to produce hearing. Generally speaking, when the sound is continuously higher than 85 decibels, it will cause hearing fatigue. In noisy environments such as subways and buses, the sound is about 80 decibels. In order to hear the music clearly when people wear headphones, they will naturally adjust the volume to be higher than the ambient noise, and they are not aware of the stimulation of high volume. High-pitched sounds constantly impact the fluid in the cochlea, and the hair cells in the inner ear will die due to over-stimulation. Over time, hearing will be damaged.

When the environment is noisy,To hear the sound in the headphones clearly, you need to add 6 decibels to the ambient sound. Therefore, if you listen to music on the subway or bus, many people will involuntarily turn up the volume to cover the noise. At this time, the decibel level in the headphones is at least 86 decibels. At this time, you feel that it is just right, but in fact it is no longer possible! So, how to wear headphones correctly?

1. Reduce the time you use headphones and strictly follow the "60-60" principle.
The so-called "60-60" principle refers to an internationally recognized method of protecting hearing, that is: when using headphones, the volume should generally not exceed 60% of the maximum volume, and can be adjusted to a lower level; continuous use of headphones The time should not exceed 60 minutes. Adults should not wear headphones for more than 3 to 4 hours a day, and minors should not wear headphones for more than 2 hours a day. The ears should be fully rested after wearing headphones for 30 to 40 minutes each time.

2. Never sleep with headphones on.
It is difficult to control your posture during sleep, which not only causes noise damage, but also easily compresses the earphones and causes physical damage to fragile ears.

3. Don’t listen to music in a noisy environment.
When you find that you can’t hear clearly even when the volume is turned up to 60% in a noisy environment, it’s time to take off your headphones. Continuing to listen will only damage your ears.

4. Use headphones with noise reduction function.
Try to use over-ear headphones; try to use headphones in a quiet environment; try to use headphones with noise reduction function, because active noise reduction headphones can reduce the impact of noise when listening to music, and on the other hand help us reduce Headphone volume.


We must develop a good living habit in our daily life to reduce the possibility of hearing loss. If we find that we have hearing loss in our lives, If there is a trend of hearing loss, we must go to the hospital for a series of examinations and actively cooperate with treatment. At the same time, we should stay away from noisy social environments and pursue a quieter life.